Sunday, September 23, 2007


Ever wondered why some people are just blessed with good looks, nice voice, tall, dark, handsome, cute, pretty, stylish, etc etc etc and you don't. Then you go around admiring at people with these and qualities and then suddenly feel as though you're the worse looking, ugly, fat, short, shit looking person in the entire universe? You curse and you swear and you just feel so inferior. You can't sing, dance, study, be a model, singer, dancer, blah blah blah. And then you feel as though you shouldn't have been born into this world at all with this hideous look.

You dream of becoming a singer, an actor, a dancer, a model, a fireman, a police, a teacher, a sailor, an air-steward, a doctor, a nurse, an entrepreneur, a CEO, etc etc etc all at ONE time. But you are only one person and can only accomplish one thing at a time. There's always a choice to be made, and an opportunity cost being incurred after making that choice. The cycle goes on.

Well, guess that's reality.

The earth continues to go round, round, round, round......

P.S. He replied my email. Gosh. Feel so "over the moon" now~!!!

"Anticipation kills" - eugene

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