Sunday, May 18, 2008


i'm finally back after spending another 13 odd days in camp. and it was e first time i emo-ed in camp after about a month or so. i couldn't take it anymore.

i had been coughing persistently for 3 weeks already and I really dunno what's wrong with me. my back still hurts as usual, my rashes became worse (now even my hands and legs have rashes), i get giddy spells every now and then and my legs get numbed every time i sit down for 3 minutes or so. tell me please, what's wrong with me. I really wanna know. and e only thk i can ever think of is that i've a weak heart either that low blood pressure?? blood cant flow to brain -> giddy, blood cant flow to legs -> numbness, blood cant flow to back -> back pain??

another month to POP and another 1 year and 8 months to ORD. Please tell me what to do.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

