Monday, June 22, 2009


My carefree days are gonna be over in about 26 hrs. Guess I'll just have to take it and see what happens next.

Miracles do happen, right?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Random thoughts

Every night I cry myself to sleep, thinking why does this happen to me?

Monday, June 1, 2009


LOL! Thanks to my cousin Sandra (and not to forget, mr brown), I finally understood what's the real meaning of a parody. And best of all, my name was even mentioned in it! Wahahahaha~

Be sure to catch the two versions below ^^


Parody Version

Original Mr Brown version (Song only)

Someone even commented:

fleek Says:
MAY 31ST, 2009 AT 11:32 AM
The lyrics a bit sala lah.
The chorus should be.
If you eat already, wash your hand too.
If you pee already, wash your hand too.
If you poo already, wash your hand too.
What do you use to wash your body? Washing machine?

ROFL! Thanks to axis1019 (from youtube) too for putting "the MTV and their funny rendition together". "And oh my, the dance moves just seem to work well with the new lyrics!"

So go on and laugh your asses off! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...