I attempted sth out of the norm and
FAILED terribly. :(
As we all know, Christmas's coming! And in this season of joy and sharing, I thought I'd come out with something to surprise someone who's gonna take my present. I went to shop happily for some containers which I thought was really cute and "practical" for use.
But containers themselves look so plain, so, I thought I'd fill it up with some stuff. Sand... No, it'll spoil the container... Sweets... Looks cheapo esp when there's a
price cap on the presents you're giving =.= (Money = sincerity? =.=)
Anyway, the best alternative I could think of was to bake cookies! Why? Sincerity is one thing, if it's tasty, it's another :) I don't have the money but my sweat and hard work should make up for it. So I got on to work. I spent so much on all the necessities, I blew a BIG hole in my pocket and got a terrible scolding by my parents but I told myself, this is something I've always wanted to do and no one's gonna stop me. This might be the last time I have the time to "make" gifts myself before hectic life kicks in. :(
I went around asking to see if someone could teach me but unfortunately, they're too busy. Got my brother to teach me but he ended up playing MAPLE. -.-'''
Nvm, I'd do it myself. Everything went well. I enjoyed the mixing of flour with butter and egg and chocolate chips...

And I sent it into the oven.

Look! Aren't they appetizing just by looking at it??

Until these happened...................................

At least 10 attempts =.= but still failed....
End Product:

That's not the worse... Smoke was bellowing out of the oven like there's no tomorrow~! Try spotting the smoke.............................

Jesus Christ! I thought. I might as well try using the microwave instead. And ended up breaking 2 plates, causing electric sparks to fly around inside the microwave oven (due to the aluminum foil I used to wrap the plate - no one told me that i can't microwave metals!!!), and created a mess which i spent an hour to clean up :( Look...
*Spot the part of the plate that has "chipped off" and flew up the microwave (Hint: Top left cookie)

*And this plate broke into 2!! =.=

End Product:

Lesson Learnt: Don't be too
AMBITIOUS! It's hard to be Mr Nice guy. Really. You might end up losing more than what others think while attempting to be Mr Nice. I therefore conclude from this cookie baking session that one has to balance between things. It's good to be cheapo sometimes to those who don't seem to appreciate the hard work you've put in. But on the other hand, I'll keep trying to bake better cookies to my beloved friends and family members, those who really mean so much to me.