Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies, there's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...
Friday, December 28, 2007
My stupid brother has been creating so much trouble even till now but he gets whatever shit he wants. He just got a new handphone yesterday mind you and he got it on the same day he requested for it. Fine, say I'm jealous but whatever, do they even have eyes? I tried to tell them that I needed a new pair of shoes cos mine's very slippery and the reply I got was "Wear until spoil then buy". Like what the hell?! Fine, I'll get it myself when my payday arrives.
This happened yesterday and today. First, that idiot took my phone yesterday night and started blasting music. Beside him was Japanese anime flashing on the TV screen at high volume and on the shelf was his handphone blasting at maximum volume.
He claimed he was wasting battery on his phone and that he used my phone to only listen to music which he wants which he'll transfer into his phone when it's charged. I almost shouted the four letter word right in his face!
I snatched my phone from him and started screaming. "Waste electricity. TV turned on but you look at your phone. And now you're wasting my bettery as well!" Did I do the wrong thing? I don't think so. Or maybe the snatching of phone part was abit overbored but I don't think I did anything wrong.
But my dad came in and scolded me. He said I was jealous at my brother's new phone. He said he didn't do anything wrong by sending music and listening to it through my phone. He said I was unreasonable.
At that point in time I almost slapped my brother and rushed out of the house. I really wanted to do that so badly. F**K.
Then he asked me if I could lend my phone to him just now. I said No to him when he asked me for 3 times cos my phone's battery is low and I have to go to work later so I won't have time to charge it. But that idiot took my phone without my permission when I was hanging out the clothes.
I almost boomed but I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his friends who are playing playstation in my house. I snatched my phone away from him and cancelled the songs he was sending. He screamed back at me and started making noise to his friends saying I was selfish and unfair and what not. Was I in the wrong at all??????
Argh. Now I'm locking myself in the room just to blog my unhappiness. If I don't I might just boom and explode at work later. All I want to say to my parents is "YOUR EYES TA-STAMP HUH?" and to my horrible brother "I JUST WISH YOU GROW UP. For now, F**K OFF AND STOP BOTHERING ME!!!"
Ok, mad post today but I really need to let it out!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
No presents, no party, no christmas mood, nothing. I should have gone to work today and earned my 63 bucks rather than staying at home and get reprimanded over and over again for the whole day. She keeps saying she's a failure. Can't be a good daughter, a good mother, a good wife. Can't do this, can't do that. And then she moves on to complain that we can't give her rest for even a day. Hello?? Look who's talking here?? I was talking to my brother (or rather suan-ing him). But she got angry instead. Funny rights? It's none of her business anyway so why must she care so much?
Then went to Causeway Point. My goodness. I'm supposed to get new clothes for chinese new year BUT my brother bought it instead. This isn't the first time. We stepped into Royal Sporting House and the first thing she thinks of is getting a new jersey for my brother instead of a pair of shoes that I've been requesting for. DAMN IT. She'd rather get some stuff for an idiot who doesn't listen rather than me. Argh. This is driving me crazy.
I can't wait to get out of this house. I can't stand it anymore.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Have been down with flu these few days. Sigh.
Anyway, I've been packing my table and cupboard since last week but there's still a big pile of stuff to pack!! I've already throw away like 3 BIG bags of unwanted stuff but there're still so much. It's such a chore lor. I've already packed my table once before the exams but everytime after a major exams, my table's back to the messy and untidy state. My butt's ache-ing cos I've been sitting there for close to 4 hours since morning and many hours since last week. I'm feeling so giddy.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
We were just chatting when she suddenly brought up my grandmother. My mother's mum had already passed away for about 4 months but whenever my mum talks about her, she'll try and hold back her tears but I know she misses her so so so much. And whenever I see her sad, I too had to control my tears. It's just so emotional. Apart from saying "Don't think about it. It's unavoidable." I seriuosly can't think of anything that I can help to make her feel better even though I really want to.
I finally understand why she keeps scolding us even for a nitty-gritty stuff. She doesn't want us to regret as she did. She wants us to be filial to our parents now when they are alive for she doesn't have a chance anymore.
She's still carrying a huge burden on her shoulders. The pain of seeing her closest loved one leaving her, someone who had brought her up to be who she is today, someone who showered her children with her love and care, someone who braved through World War 2 all by herself, is just so painful, so heart-piercing that it cannot be forgotten as easily as one says it.
I had so much going through my mind just now but I just can't write anymore. I have so much thoughts spinning in my head now. I should not let my mum worry. I have do think of my future. I have to think about my route after A levels. She hopes to see me working in an office, wearing long sleeve shirts with tie and leather boots but I have dreams that are completely opposite from that. Should I follow my dreams or should I go the boring way, to work in offices, what will the consequences, my future be like if I chose either routes? I seriously don't know. I just hope I'll straightened out my thoughts someday. I'm just so confused right now. God, please, please lead me and guide me.
"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone." - Harriet Beecher Stowe
May we live our lifes without any regrets.
Monday, November 26, 2007
After exams
Enough of emo posts. EXAMS ARE OVER!
But hey, I seriously missed studying. I suddenly feel so empty in a world without studying. I wanna go out and play but my poly frens are still having lessons. JC frens got their own JC clique le. I haven't heard of any class outings yet for my class. I'M BORED STIFF!!!!
My brother's computer is just so great lor. Have to use web messenger cos he can't download the latest msn messenger. I can't even watch youtube on his computer cos he doesn't have a flashplayer. He can't download one too. =.= That's pathetic.
Worse thing, was chatting with sandra's frens ytday and I guess they got offended by some remarks I made. Sianz. I didn't know they take jokes so seriously. Phew. Guess I've got some apologies to do...
Went blog hopping and realise some blogs are down, and ting's recent posts sounded like she's got some deep hatred with people. Haiyo. Society is just filled with too much hypocrites and backstabbers. You dunno when your best fren is actually ur enemies. If we are grant the power to perform eugenics, guess these people are the first ones to die. Ahahaha.
I can't think of anything to blog now. Guess I'll continue again on the next blog post.
Monday, November 19, 2007
don't get it
shouting at the top of their voices
that they can get straight As.
But here I am,
on a road
to nowhere.
Bless me.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I don't get it sometimes. Why does my mum insist I go to a school which I didn't like. I should have been rebellious then. I should have gone to appeal into the school that I wanted to be in. Perhaps, I was too mummy's boy then. Maybe even till now.
Friends see me as useless. So what if I'm a boy. Boy very big deal meh? There are times where boys feel useless too. Where they need someone to care about too. Why must society have this mentality that boys can't cry. If they cry they're not boys. Please. The thinking is just so obselete. "You boy leh" everything also you boy leh you boy leh. Boys so what? Boys are human beings too. We have feelings too. Yes, it is true that boys tend to hide their emotions and thoughts. On the outsdie they may look ok but their hearts are crying inside them. When boys cry, it really means the matter had really come to an extent where they can't bottle their feelings up anymore. Do you girls understand that? NO.
I'm seriously sick and tired of this entire H1, H2 thing. It's time MOE revamp the system to cater better to the needs of our future generations. we really dont wanna see more students ended up in Buangkok Green.
Reply to Eileen: It doesn't make a difference now. Even if I get an A for this subject left, I doubt I can get into uni all because of that H1 paper.
"I don noe wat i wan to do nw .. I just wan to be alone .. To b in a corner where no 1 noe .. To hide somewhere where no one will notice my existence.. Let mi go unnoticed .." - Jasmine
Friday, November 16, 2007
Why? Why must this happen to me? I swore I did every single qns in the tys ytday and even completed those I didn't complete today. But why must God do this to me? Why can't I perform on the spot. First qn down, second, third, foruth, fifth down down down. As I continued on I lose more and more of my confidence I've built up after completing the tys qns. I'm a total letdown. I've this extremely slow, useless, simple-minded, pea brain that doesn't do me any good but brings me disappointment after disappointment. I'm a total failure. F-A-I-L-U-R-E. Sorry dr, I can't do it. I won't do it. If MJ's standard were to drop, I should be responsible for it.
Besides, hardwork doesn't equate to success anymore. And nobody would ever bother even if I cried out loud. Nobody ever cares.
I prepared for my CCDDs. Goodbye AABBs.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Grow tall
Poof. I just hate myself.
Anyway, I'm trying to read some GP articles online in preparation for the upcoming exam on wed. But ended up doing some warm-ups by blog-hopping and guess what? All the intelligent and infamous people have their birthdays fall on this month! And the even more surprising thing is most of them have their birthdays fall around the 20++ period! Ahahaha. *Grins*
Ok, Mr "Intelligent" needs to go mug now. Cya. Muahahahaha ~ Evil laughs
Saturday, October 27, 2007
"What happens if a couple carry out anal sex before oral sex?"
"hmm...A lollipop that taste like crap?"
Happy b'dae papa!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Dear god,
My birthday wish is for you to send a saviour here to save me. I really really really need a miracle to clear the big As. It's appraoching. I really need motivation. Need a friend/friends to spur me on. need a teacher to guide me in Bio and econ, need a super brain to memorise that countless number of words in my lecture notes. I really really really need help now. Please grant my wish. I really don't know what to do.
Chem:Half done
Maths:Half done
Bio:Not touched
Econ:Not touched
"HAPPY" birthday to me.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Mugging session
Ok, here is the proof for ytday mugging session. Cya soon!

Friday, October 12, 2007
Why must people be so sick and disguisting?!?! Was on the way to school and was totally horrified by this guy's actions man! First, he coughed and spit his saliva onto the floor in the MRT STATION. Then, he blew his nose into his hands and smear it onto the escalator handle. ewwwwwwwwwwwww. I was totally irked by him lah! Just wish I could give this piece of shit a BIG slap on his face.
YUCK..... I'm totally not in the mood for lunch now.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I know I look ugly and stupid.
I don't need you to tell me.
"We are all interesting." - Lim Yu Beng
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Nth just seem to go into my head for the last 3 hours. Darn. What was I doing. AH. And I still have 2 econs essays and a GP AQ to complete by TOMORROW! Fuck. Someone please save me at this instance. I can't take it anymore!!!!!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
That 2 bloody days of burning midnight oil was really NOT worth it especially when the return was not what I'm supposed to have. Good results. Nope. That flu virus. YES. I've been on antibiotics for a week and have not fully recovered. I feel like I'm such a weakling can? So frail, so fragile like a branch which is gonna snap anytime when there's a storm. Fuck. I really hate this feeling.
I must get well soon. I must conquer bio. I must conquer organic chem. I must conquer econs. Damn that econs. I just dun understand a single J2 work. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.
Where have my motivation gone?
"Life is a living hell" - eugene
Thursday, October 4, 2007
How selfless Singaporeans are.
Darn. This is the 3rd time I'm sick in just 1 week.
"Singaporean's ingrained mentality: Kiasu, Kiasi, Kiabo"
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I've never felt this way before
So useless
So hopeless
I'm out of words
I'm a total FAILURE
User's signature in a computer game forum:
"Life is a very shitty Game... but its Graphics are AMAZING!"
I say: "Ya, right."
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
"The past is only a reminder of how the future can be better." - Gene Ho
I need motivation!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Then, at such wee hours, I had a stomchache which totally spoiled my beauty sleep. "Awwwwwww..." Maybe it's just not my day somehow. Or my lucky year either. Must be that zodiac readings from the fortune teller on TV during CNY. "Snakes will have a rather inauspicious year this year....." Superstition? Doubt so.
This year was not smooth sailing, at least up till now. I was faced with relentless obstacles along the way. It just doesn't seem to stop somehow. I just wish I haven't listen to that zodiac thing. Maybe things would have turned out better. Sometimes, things are better not to be known.
I need motivation!
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." - Henry David Thoreau
P.S. This MAY be the last post before my A levels. For those who are dying to read my post, thank you so much. I will update periodically, whenever I have free time. But feel free to tag on my cbox. Will check it everyday. CHEERS!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Project alvl
06D30 used to be an extremely lively class. One fine day, their teacher was shocked when she entered the class. Where did that laughter, that energy go? The class was unusually quiet.
"Why are all of you so lethargic?"
"How am I going to continue with my lesson? Oh well, I'm in a good mood today. I shall tell you naughty kids a story instead"
"A STORY?!?! COOL! Let's start!"
"Er Herm....." Ms C cleared her throat (as usual).
"Here it goes...."
One day, a senior professor in University M (Uni M) recieved a letter from the prestigous University of ALVL. An invitation letter to join the grand contest that every university wishes to join and compete for the TOP 5 placing.
He decided to pass it around so that the researchers could have a look.
Soon, the entire university knew about the prestigous contest that was coming out. Anyone who got into TOP 5 would gain recognition by everyone around them and their university would gain the same recognition and would be able to recruit more scholars in the future. This opportunity was not to be missed.
Professor BYO found out of this project and couldn't wait to join. Luckily for him, he got selected.
"I shall bring honour to my university" he vowed with pride, in front of hundred pairs of eyes in the auditorium. Everyone applauded, proud that the university had chosen the right person.
For the next one year or so, he spend most of his time, even during the weekend to complete his project. His work involved 2 species of bacteria, Bacteria A (Bac A) and Bacteria U (Bac U). His aim was to cultivate a superb species of bacteria that could produce an antibiotic, an antibiotic that could cure all illnesses.
Bac A showed the best results so far. Bac U on the other hand produced very minute amount of antibiotic. BYO tried his best to induce them to become more productive but the improvements were just to small to be recognised.
During the preliminary round, Bac A scored an average of 50/80 in the 3 rounds in the last 3 weeks, allowing BYO to successfully enter into the next round of the competition. Bac U on the other hand was disappointing, scoring only an average of 35/80 for those 3 rounds.
There's just 1 more month to the finals and there is going to be a dry-run in 2 weeks time. At this crucial moment, BYO decided to store Bac U into that dark, cold and inaccessible cupboard in the lab 3 doors away. Bac U felt so lonely and hopeless.
"Why are we so useless?" Bac U asked. Its clones shook their head.
"He's actually helping Bac A? We are the ones who need his help here." One of its clones exclaimed while its daughter budded off from its backside.
"Well, It's so simple. If BYO wins the contest, he would be able to bring fame and recognition to the Uni M. Just in case you do not know, Uni M was established just a few years ago but it's rising fast. Uni M has defeated its counterparts, some established long ago! The senior professor really has his ways." Bac U exclaimed while undergoing binary fission itself.
"He's stretching their potential to the limits so that they can perform even better for the grand finals. But we must not give up on ourselves. We must show the professor that we, Bac U are comparable to Bac A. We don't have to rely on him." its clone responded.
Ya, right. As if everyone would listen. Many clones gave up on themselves. Needless to say, they died. The rest are trying hard, gritting their teeth everyday, forcing their Golgi Apparatus to produce the reasonable amount of antibiotic like their counterparts. Can they make it in time for PROJECT ALVL? Or would they crumble and die off? Nobody knows.
"The end" the teacher shrieked in excitement.
The entire class dozed off.
To be continued...
My results? Two words: "IT SUCKED"
And I couldn't get that song album. DRATS.
Darwin's theory:" Only the fittest will survive and reproduce"
Sunday, September 23, 2007
You dream of becoming a singer, an actor, a dancer, a model, a fireman, a police, a teacher, a sailor, an air-steward, a doctor, a nurse, an entrepreneur, a CEO, etc etc etc all at ONE time. But you are only one person and can only accomplish one thing at a time. There's always a choice to be made, and an opportunity cost being incurred after making that choice. The cycle goes on.
Well, guess that's reality.
The earth continues to go round, round, round, round......
P.S. He replied my email. Gosh. Feel so "over the moon" now~!!!
"Anticipation kills" - eugene
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Personality test
You Are An ENTP |
![]() The Visionary You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments. In love, you see everything as a grand adventure. You enjoy taking risks for love.And if things don't work out, you're usually not too much worse for the wear! You would make a great entrepreneur, marketing executive, or actor. At work, you need a lot of freedom to pursue your own path and vision. How you see yourself: Analytical, creative, and peaceful When other people don't get you, they see you as: Detached, wishy-washy, and superficial |
And I'm super proud of this. =X
You Are 40% Control Freak |
![]() You have achieved the perfect balance of control and letting go. You tend to roll with whatever life brings, but you never get complacent. |
You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes. You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them. You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
You Are Emerald Green |
![]() |
Accurate? Not accurate? See for yourself.
"Sometimes in life our emotions get clogged within us, overwhelming us like a flood sweeping through the village. But how do we react to it? Do we cry? Do we scream and shout? Do we remain emotionless, cold as a rock? It all depends on us. There's no right or wrong to it. Do not fear about how people might say about your reaction to it. It's your emotions. BE YOURSELF. Let it flow. There's nothing to be afraid of." -eugene
Friday, September 21, 2007
I'm having sort-of like a headache but not headache thing. Just feel so tired and the world seems to be spinning around me. GOSH. Think I'm gonna peng-san soon.
Then went surfing the net and link here link there then suddenly (really SUDDENLY ok) I linked to Nathenial Ho's blog!! OK, maintain posture. I'm like so happy larz. Then went surfing thru his webpage and you know what, he's sick too. Looks like the influenza virus is spreading. Blame it on global warming. Ok, like whatever.
I think it's always cool to be oneself, to be original. I think beauty and charm doesn't just come from looks alone but rather from our inner self. I always believe if one looks so good on the outside but happens to be rotten inside then he's as good as being rotten lor. So I always admire those who are showing their real self to others (ppl like 小鬼 and Nat. Of course!) and those who actually try and act tao and big like you-know-who ought to get shot. Bang!
Well, just one random thought: If you ever, I mean ever want to criticise others, please tolong tolong look at yourself in the mirror first. Like in sec sch the pastor always say "Do what you want others to do to you" YEP. I think it applies here. I mean have you ever had the feeling that the person who criticise you are almost always those who are rotten themselves? People like my brother who loves saying that I'm a shorty and blah blah.. Pls he's 175cm and I'm 169cm (FINE. I'm short) but that doesn't mean there are no taller guys around him. I was really happy (and i mean really happy) that he met this guy who is 190+cm when he was playing basketball the other day. This guy was so darn tall he could tip-toe, send the ball into the net and stay hanging on the loop. From then on he stopped commenting about my height ANYMORE. Yippy. See, believe in Kharma! lol!
OK. It's a long post. Guess I'll just end here. My brain can't make it anymore. LOL. See ya next time. Till then...... BYE! Sniff sniff.
"It is not by accident that the happiest people are those who make a conscious effort to live useful lives. Their happiness, of course, is not a shallow exhilaration where life is one continuous intoxicating party. Rather, their happiness is a deep sense of inner peace that comes when they believe their lives have meaning and that they are making a difference for good in the world." - Ernest A. Fitzgerald
Abstracted from: ©
Thursday, September 20, 2007
1) Can I turn back time? How would it be like if I could change my past? Would I still be who I am? Can I change the events that I do not want it to happen? What would the consequences be when I Change them? Decided to ask a wise person and here was the reply:
"I also had the same thought whenever I stare at the clock. How I wish I could turn back time. But even if I can turn my clock backwards there're so many clocks in the world! We cannot possibly turn back every single clock. What we can do is to leave our past behind us and look forward. There's no point of looking back since we cannot change anything in the past."
2) How would I be in a few years time? Would I still be alive and well? How about those around us? Would I be damn rich or damn poor? What would happen tomorrow?
3) Is there really such thing as retribution? What form would it come in? Does it mean that if we help others a lot then we'll be able to so-call "revert" the retribution?
4) Human beings would mourn and cry for those who have passed away but have you ever wondered who would cry for those animals that pass away everyday? We are the King of the animal kingdom but it's a pity that we are only caring about our own species.
5) What is my childhood like?
Me:"Well, I've no childhood."
Jaz:"NO!! We have childhood. I still keep the photos of us having b'dae celebration at your house with may and ken. And the swimming lessons we had in primary school days with Jason." Me:"OK, fine."
We were at bugis doing some boring walk here and there then suddenly Shooting had this sudden urge of going to an archade. Initially wanted to go to the very noisy one at the basement but somehow she led the way and we ended up at the kiddy place in SEIYU. OK was quite dotz but there really was a sudden rush of childhood memories into my head. (SORRY no pictures to show cause of stupid blogger.)
While, I guess I do have some childhood. At least not from my secondary school days onwards. Life's just eat, sleep, shit, study.
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm" -Sir Winston Churchill
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
刚刚上了小鬼的blog。好喜欢他的诚恳度还有他的画画和短文。每次读完后都有很多东西思考,还会有一种感动。他好有艺术细胞呢!*羡慕* 所以就留言给他,希望能向他学学。好期待收到他的email。不知道会不会有这个机会ㄚ。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

“你變了! 沉重的一句話! 不要因為環境而改變了原本單純的你。一但變了! 就不再可愛不再值得人愛了!!!” -小鬼
Source: ©
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Farts - A funny movie is a click away
Friday, September 14, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

“ 我不想我不想不想长大
我宁愿永远都笨又傻 ”
Thursday, June 28, 2007
“我有个画面,我坐在一张太阳椅子上,有杯冷饮,好开心,然后有一架飞机降落,我的朋友从飞机上下来,和我一起玩。” -陈冠希
P.S. 现在突然发现原来我的好朋友都和我一样喜欢华文。谁敢说华文难学,华文没用呢?我看那人应该是懒得学吧?没有华文等于没有了根。自己想想吧!